Digital Farming – achievements and future prospects during Demo day

What is achieved?

In this fourth episode of the Digital Farming series, we take a look at the progress that this project has made. How far have they come in their research on precision spraying, and is the project now completed?

Plant-Specific Spraying Demo DayGerben van Lenthe

At the concluding Demo Day at Vertify in Zwaagdijk, project leader Gerben van Lenthe emphasizes the importance of this research. Various participants provide insights into the current status. Pim SturmPim Sturm, previously featured in part 3, takes visitors back to the beginning and the challenges that had to be overcome in transferring this groundbreaking idea. Kristel van Ammers, from the Lectorate Robotics, shares the results achieved by Inholland students, as seen in part 2. Peter Millenaar of BB Leap, also known from part 3, demonstrates what is now possible with this advanced technology. Stef Ruiter
Bulb grower Stef Ruiter, featured in part 1, reflects on the past season.


The Demo Day concludes with a compelling Demonstratie plaatsspecifiek spuiten - Digital Farmingdemonstration, allowing all attendees to witness firsthand the possibilities that this innovative technology already offers.

LTO Netherlands

This research offers new opportunities for the agricultural sector throughout the Netherlands. Therefore, it is closely monitored by the Arable Farming and Field Vegetables Department of LTO Netherlands. Tineke de VriesTineke de Vries, the chair of this department, shares their perspective and the challenges that lie ahead.

Economic Research

As part of this project, students from the Inholland Business, Finance & Law department are conducting economic research. They are investigating the profitability of precision spraying and its impact on product costs. However, this research is not yet completed at the concluding Demo Day.

What’s Next

napraten over demonstratie plaatsspecifiek spuiten Digital FarmingThe progress is clearly visible, and the development phase has been successfully completed. Upcoming season the actual use of this technology will begin. Nevertheless, there is still much work on the agenda, given the scale of these groundbreaking changes. Further research remains necessary.

More information about sustainability in agriculture

In the report Journey to sustainable flower bulb cultivation, alternatives for combating certain diseases are explored, as well as whether methods that work on a small scale can also be successful on a larger scale.

Also interesting:
Digital Farming – part 3 applying site specific techniques
Digital Farming – part 2 data processing
Digital Farming – part 1 the challenge