First direct current distribution station in Europe

Direct current distribution station

Dynniq Energy, commissioned by Alliander, has built the very first public direct current distribution station. This station is located at Lelystad Airport Business Park (LAB), a new industrial area near Lelystad Airport in the Netherlands. The challenge for Dynniq was to design the station in such a way that it meets the needs of the consumers. However, the consumers could not yet specify their expectations, as they have no prior experience in this area. Dynniq was able to effectively leverage the knowledge gained from the public transportation sector, where the network and energy supply are already fully standardized on direct current.

Transition to a sustainable energy grid

Direct current is used far more than most people realize. This includes devices such as laptops, TVs, phone chargers, as well as electric transportation and LED street lighting.

Het eerste gelijkstroom verdeelstation.

The main advantage of a direct current grid is that there are fewer conversion losses, resulting in energy savings. Once the direct current grid is fully deployed, adapters will no longer be needed for various commonly used devices. This is better for the environment.

Lelystad Airport Businesspark

Sustainable energy generates direct current

Moreover, sustainable energy sources, such as solar panels and wind turbines produce direct current. This makes it much easier for them to be connected to a direct current grid.

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Why switch to direct current?