Hydrogen and the energy transition
We’re in the middle of an energy transition. That is needed for we all use more and more energy. It’s getting more obvious that hydrogen will play an essential role in this. But what can we do with hydrogen, and how far are we? Business Channel One has investigated to find answers.
Politicians go for a green hydrogen economy
There are also reports about hydrogen from politicians. With the Green Deal, Member of European Parliament, Frans Timmermans wants to speed up the hydrogen economy. Dutch Minister Wiebes has drawn up a National Hydrogen Plan. And members of Parliament of the coalition parties, VVD, CDA, D66, and the opposition party PvdA, want to speed up green hydrogen production. In this documentary, Matthijs Sienot (D66), Agnes Mulder (CDA), William Moorlag (PvdA), and Mark Harbers (VVD) tell about hydrogen. Which developments do they see regarding the use of green hydrogen? And why do they think this is important.
Green, grey and blue hydrogen
With hydrogen, there is talk of green, grey, and blue. But what does it mean?
- Grey hydrogen is made with natural gas. During production, CO2 is released, which equates to grey electricity. So it is polluting.
- Blue hydrogen is also made with natural gas. However, the released CO2 is captured and stored. Therefore the blue hydrogen is less polluting. Of course, the stored CO2 should not be released into the atmosphere.
- Green hydrogen is made with sustainable energy. So from sun and wind energy. The advantage is that no CO2 is released neither with hydrogen production nor when the hydrogen is used.
Innovative companies play a pioneering role
During our search, we were warmly welcomed at various companies. Companies that are actively committed to a hydrogen economy. We also visited companies that see multiple opportunities to reduce CO2 emissions and companies researching what can be optimized.
The company ‘Alles over waterstof‘ (All about hydrogen) is committed to improving hydrogen’s social acceptance. Alles over waterstof starts at 01.25.
Research organisation TNO researches and works for a sustainable energy transition on green hydrogen innovations for various applications. TNO starts at 7.00.
Tieluk shows that we can safely heat our buildings using hydrogen. Tieluk starts at 13.05.
H2arvester has developed a way for farmers to use their agricultural land twice. H2arvester starts at 17.35.
Hygro and NXT Mobility both work at project Duwaal. A project where hydrogen is generated in a windmill. They explain why it’s important to include the whole chain in this transition.
Hygro starts at 21.02 & NXT Mobility starts at 25.04.
Klaas Visser of TU Delft researches if and whether hydrogen can be used in the shipping industry.
TU Delft starts at 29.20.
And H2Fuel found a way to store hydrogen in a crystallized form. H2Fuel starts at 34.08.
Hyet Hydrogen has developed a new compressor without moving parts. They can also filter hydrogen gas that is mixed with natural gas. Hyet Hydrogen starts at 40.00.
At Holthausen Clean Technology, existing (freight)trucks are converted into hydrogen vehicles. Holthausen Clean Technology starts at 45.53.
Hydrogen the documentary
We’ve started the production and recording of ‘Hydrogen the documentary’ in the autumn of 2019. Due to Covid-19, production has been halted for a long time. We were able to finish the recordings at the end of this summer. We want to thank all participants for their hospitality and patience.
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