Sustainable transport with hydrogen

Sustainable transport can refuel with hydrogen in Alkmaar

Since mid-January, it’s possible to refuel with hydrogen in Alkmaar, the Netherlands. It’s a crucial step forward in the transition to sustainable transport. This filling station serves not only passenger cars but also delivery vans and trucks. With the introduction of zero-emission zones, the switch to CO2-neutral vehicles is becoming increasingly urgent for transport companies.Waterstof helpt de overgang naar duurzaam transport

Hydrogen Valley

This initiative is just one of the many projects taking place in the northern part of Noord Holland. Het ontwikkelingsbedrijf NHN is één van de partijen die werkt aan verduurzaming van de transportsector in Noord-Holland noord.In recognition of these ongoing efforts, the North Sea Canal area and the northern part of Noord Holland have received the Hydrogen Valley status from the European Union.

Green hydrogen

NXT Mobility provides green hydrogen, produced from green gas. The aim is to source green hydrogen directly from wind turbines in the future, in line with the Duwaal program. However, this part of the project is still under development. Vrachtwagens tanken waterstof op 350 bar

Collaboration for change

Various stakeholders have worked intensively over the past years to realize this filling station. Marlies van Dijk from the Noord Holland North Development Company, Frank Brandsen van New Energy CoalitionFrank Brandsen from the New Energy Coalition and Erik Metselaar from GP Groot highlight what has been necessary to achieve this.Erik Metselaar van NXT Mobility Breaking the ‘chicken and egg’ situation is essential, as the lack of filling stations hinders the adoption of hydrogen vehicles. The goal is to create an extensive network of hydrogen filling stations in the coming years, making the climate targets for 2050 achievable.

Experiences with driving on Hydrogen

René Helmhout rijdt in een waterstof bestelbus van HB AdviesbureauTo understand the differences between driving on hydrogen and traditional fuels, we spoke with René Helmhout from HB Adviesbureau, who can share firsthand insights into the benefits of driving on hydrogen.

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