Used toilet paper recycled into asphalt

At the Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier in the Netherlands, we interviewed Yede van der Kooij from Wetterskip Fryslân and Erik Pijlman from KNN Cellulose. They spoke about the many opportunities that wastewater offers.

Energy and Raw Materials Factory

Yede van der Kooij explains that the Energy and Raw Materials Factory was established by the Water Boards. Here, a team of water experts is investigating what can be done with various substances released during wastewater treatment. For example, they are exploring whether these substances can be reused as new raw materials or converted into energy. Research is being conducted, among other things, into recycling diapers and converting glucose into bioplastics.

From Waste to Asphalt

Erik Pijlman proudly talks about the project ‘Van afval naar asfalt’ (From Waste to Asphalt), or VANA for short. KNN Cellulose plays a key role in this project, facilitating connections between the business community and the Water Boards. Yede van der Kooij enthusiastically explains why it is so important to remove toilet paper from wastewater, and how it can be effectively used as a new raw material in asphaltt.

Call to the Business Community

What clearly emerges is the strong need for companies willing to utilize the raw materials that the water boards can provide. Such collaboration is a significant step toward a more circular economy. Companies interested in this initiative can contact Erik Pijlman at +31 6 33 83 40 22.